Everything went well except the food. Normally when we have people over, I make more than any of our guests could possibly eat. Then try as we might to finish it over the next few days I still end up tossing most of it. This time I decided to cut back, but sadly the poor dad who served himself last ended up not getting a hot dog, which he would have liked, and then a bunless hamburger. To make matters worse, all the kids had a hamburger bun, had taken a bite, and then left it for trash. And we even had a last minute cancellation from a family of four. Wow, I really goofed.
Then there was the cake situation. The Cracker and I couldn't choose between a Tonka Truck cake or the Little People Farm cake, so instead we ordered a small one of each instead of one big one.
There were two Tonka construction cakes to choose from, one lame one, one cool one. So I steered him towards the non-lame one and they of course made the lame one. It still had trucks though, so the Cracker was happy with it. Me, however, I was disappointed. You see, the cool one looked like something Martha Stewart's handlers would have done. The other one was just kinda tacky. (The frosting was unnatural and very scary looking.) AND they spelled his name wrong. Fine. Whatever. So they brought out the LP cake. It was LP, but instead of being a farm theme, it was general "Little People Have a Birthday Party" themed. And this did matter, because the Cracker loves LP and he loves farms. When we placed the order a few days earlier in person with the decorator she even checked to make sure that they had the right pieces, the cow, the farmer, and then put them in a bag with our name on it. Sigh.

The guy at the bakery felt bad. The order forms were right in front of him, and he could see that they were indeed the wrong cakes and that his name was spelled wrong on the truck cake. He didn't do the decorating, the woman who took our order 2 days earlier did. Ugh. Me? I excell at baking, even creative decorating, but for some reason I have never been able to do anything decent with a tube of frosting. So the nice man offered to try to fix it. He got the right figurines, made balloons into trees, and generally did the best he could. Then he gave me a free Chai and knocked the customization fee off the price of the cakes. I almost hugged him.
Other than that, all went well. The Cracker got amazingly thoughtful gifts, and had a great time with his peeps.
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