Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Now I've Done It

I just went in to clean the guest bathroom, you know, the one that no one but guests is allowed to use? As I was dusting the sink off for impending visitors a red ant crawled up out of the drain.

Holy shit.

Guess I jinxed myself.

Shit shit shit!

Because I had no idea what else to do, I Drain-O'ed his ass.

Oh, and can I just say, here we go again with bathroom ants like 4 years ago in the rental. The guest bath is in the middle of the house and we don't even use it. Fuck. They must be under the friggin house. Whoop-dee-do. Guess I should count my lucky stars that this is the first ant ever here in more than a year.

Now I'm off to go stare at the drain for hours waiting to see if more are following. I've already checked the tub and pulled out all the bandaids from under the sink.


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