So here it is, why I love the Tubbies...
Video: Cracker at 8 months. (57 seconds of pretty much the same thing over and over) That's his baby happy noise btw.
Video: Cracker at 34 months. (12 seconds) Link says it's still processing at post time, hopefully up in the AM
Now please note, I never actually get the camera out until he's already been hysterical for 5 minutes, so this is after it's already been funny two dozen times. Imagine that.
I must admit, I do have one growing concern: every time they say "big hug!" he runs up to the boob tube and tries to get his arms around the 28" screen. Hmmm.
If you're interested in joining our cult, may we recommend our current favorite, best suited for the 2 and up crowd Go! Exercise with the Teletubbies. For the wee ones, we like Baby Animals.
Sneaking in a non-Tubbie watching favorite: here's another. (18 seconds)
I have no idea why the sound gets lagged behind the video image. Oh well.
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